Sunday, October 26, 2008

We're here ...

I am online now... after about a week living offline and dedicating every minute to the exhibition preparation and the operation of the exhibition itself.. it is day 5 today and our booth has been a blast!

Soshiant website:

All team members showed endless efforts during the last days and nights to make sure we meet our plans, and although I believe we started the exhibition with 60% of our goals, the results have been spectacular so far. Visitors of all age and type are having fun visiting our booth and get really excited to know Soshiant. This was much more than what we anticipated, but it stresses the fact one more time that comes deep from the heart will capture the hearts.

There have been a few arrangements for negotiations with publishers made already and at this stage we would need to make a few good business decisions in order to be able to complete this project of ours. This stage might as well be the hardest stage.

Throughout development, we didn't have much time to think about creativity and we were trying to copy some features from the games that we loved and during this time we sometimes worried that people might say that this feature is exactly like that game and criticize our work, at some point I really thought that this could be the best criticism we can expect as opposed to many other negative things that can be said. Well, this best criticism just happened and most of our visitors mention that Soshiant is a lot like Prince Of Persia or God Of War, the latter makes a few of us rise above the ground for 30 cm! ;) Many even think we are using the Prince of Persia engine !

There is still 5 more days to go for the exhibition.

A little thank you note to all the warriors who helped during the past two months, named based on the date they started working on Soshiant project, thank you guys, we reached the first milestone:

Syros Pourlatifi : Give him an idea and he makes it in 3D. The real Yavar.

Farshid Pourlatifi: He brings anything you wish to the web. The meijin.

Peyman Massoudi: Talk about a body movement and you can watch it on your favorite 3D monster. The life giver.

Sosheil Danesh : His concept drawings make everything in the world of Soshiant. The magician with the pencil.

Faham Negini: Finds the answer to coding problems no matter how long it takes. A real programmer.

Yaser Zhian: Show him a technical challenge, get the solution fast. Master yoda.

More to come soon...


MNO said...

Congratulations guys. I've just visited the Soshians homepage. You've done a great job. Soshians would gain more reputation than the ones mentioned in the original post. Then they need to borrow your ideas. By the way, why don't you put some sort of trailer on the Soshians homepage or on YouTube?

Dan Bonab said...

Congrats Amiros and the crew. I'm so proud of you guys. I can't wait to play the game. This whole story is so inspiring for me and i'm sure it is for a lot of people. Website looks amazig, it would be nice though to have an english version. Cheers

Amir H. Fassihi said...

Thanks a lot guys...we will definitely have more to come for the website once we switch back to regular schedules...
We've got some good stuff for youtube too... English version is on the way also..