Rain brings me a special feeling usually, something rather negative, and the reason has its roots in old times... days that we used to go to school, early in the morning .. with one goal in mind...heart beating as we got close to the entrance of the high school... the basketball court was waiting there for us.. usually a few already playing... sometimes you were there first and had to show the toughest patience till the first dude with the ball showed up... and then it was all show time ... until the $%#^ing bell rang ... and the rest of the game had to be played in the mind ... while the often useless teachers were playing there own game ...
Now nothing could stop those early morning days but there was something that could turn it light a little bit .. and that was nothing but the lovely "RAIN"... or "SNOW" ... however the max that it could punish us was to have all the hands, face and clothes dirty from the splash of dirt and water caused by a bounce....
Maybe if this sub conscious associative memory didn't exist in my mind, then I would've loved rain since during my childhood when I was in Japan rain was as usual as sunshine and I have never felt bad getting wet in the rain.. in fact I like it a lot... my Persian culture praises rain a lot and it has been considered something very precious since the ancient times..
Well rain returned this morning again after all these years of not being able to show how viscous it was and ruined our Thursday morning basketball ... it is "November Rain" anyway ...
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