It all ended, was very useful and informative. However the flight back to dubai is canceled due to lots of fog in Dubai and we will have to get back with one day delay. Lots of time to blog now.
Anyway probably the most interesting discovery for today came from a presentation that we got in the Malta NCC center about how they prepare their lecturers for the courses, mostly related to the practices the lecturers can follow to improve their efficiency in the class and being able to transfer the information to the students. The topic was really really interesting. I will have to reflect on it as much as I can later on.
One of the ideas in the presentation was that 90 percent of the knowledge that we have is in our subconscious, when we try to teach something, we are usually trying to be conscious about what we are talking about and this isn't easy. This is why we have many good professionals who aren't necessarily good teachers. The more you become an expert in a field, the more it moves into your subconscious. (The samurai have a good statement about this fact related to the definition of a Meijin, a master samurai who will engage in a war in a subconscious manner) And also this is why a lot of sub conscious actions of the teacher are important in the whole process, like the way he talks, his posture or body language, maybe sometimes more than what he is trying to say.
Other interesting topics were learning models and how it is important for the lecturers to know themselves first, the type of learner they are and then be able to understand what kind of weak points they might have, and how they can improve it in order to provide a solution for all types of learners in the class.
I'd have to launch a big research campaign now that I have found proper systematic information about these areas. I might be back with more later. :)
Rain and Sun at the same time is very popular in Malta.
"This is why we have many good professionals who aren't necessarily good teachers."
Really interesting fact! I was always wondering why we get weaker in teaching a subject when we become an expert in the subject, in compare with the time that we were an armature!
Quite right :)... and you can think about other areas which you are really an expert in ..
Can you teach someone how to walk? how to drive? ...
Very good examples...
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