This fabulous work illustrating my favorite(probably) band , Tool, is done by a friend of mine and our concept artist Soheil.
"Wear the grudge like a crown. desperate to control.
Unable to forgive. and were sinking deeper.
Defining, confining, sinking deeper. controlling, defining, and were sinking Deeper.
Saturn comes back around to show you everything
Lets you choose what you will not see and then
Drags you down like a stone or lifts you up again
Spits you out like a child, light and innocent.
Give away the stone. let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges Into gold.
Let go"
.... Yes .. . we have to let go... or Saturn will come down ....
Fantastic drawing!
yeeee, nice, it has a perfect feeling of their music in this image.
Hail the author!!!
I knew a guy who used to let go from half court... and run backwards!
He must`ve seen the light!
A friend of Chewbacca!
Dopamine = G - IM - A - TREE - 1 2 & 3 (A+A+A+A+A) (c + i = a ) phi = SPIRAL = g + o + d = YIN + YANG = DNA = GALAXY ??? Ommm...DAATH = DA,DA,DA ...-
"In any case, if the State is always finding it necessary to repress the nomad and minor sciences, if it opposes vague essences and the operative geometry of the trait, it does so not because the content of the sciences is inexact or imperfect, or because of their magic and initiatory character , but because they imply a division of labour opposed to the norms of the State."
"Life Is Music All One Must Do Is Dance"
ALL is a spark the essence divine...
A flash of cognition...
A photon of mind...
A synaptic quantum...
A blink of the EYE...
Alchemical brilliance...
A ether of love...
A fire that lives...
Above And Below it is all that is it is
All that was will be ever more beyond definition comprehension
And words transcendent feelings unknowable Ohm...
An electromagnetic cosmos of soul
A eternal light the static that lives the sound of the spheres
A mathematical symphony of atomic galactic bliss
As I ever pray to Be one with this
An ever evolving
A fractal of life geometric patterns and rhythms divine
Awesome is
As existence spins through the rabbit hole of time I view from a distance the thoughts of my mind. My synaps sparkle shimmer and glow to the rhythms of music the light of my soul. I seem to hear echos from somewhere within the world I have traveled the places I've Been again a again I think of it all the twilights of beauty like sounds of a song. I feel I have fallen or drifted away from all that is sacred for now there is pain where once there was joy the heros I dreamed of when I was a boy now seem as sickly and weak as the damed the strangth that inspired, is withered and dead old age is apon them and I fear what is left. What more can they teach me at this point and time but the bitter decay of age the scares of lost hope the darkness of the grave the lonelyness of life I must cut away! and set sail for truth embrase all my passion and live out my youth and have no regret I will not be bitter when this life has past I will not look back the light is to fast to worry and wait for something to come the waste of a life time and the saddness it brings can consum you in darkness an sufficate your soul, but if you have passion and just feed that flame the fire will burn and light will shine on long after all the echos are gone.
Do You Remember...
When we used to dance...
It all away...
In a land so far across the sea...
An Island that's alive with dreams...
Nihon The Rising Sun.
The Bass the music and my memories are ONE ...
Shibuya, Odaiba, Roppongi.................................
Cherry Blossoms Of Spring...
Its there I could just dance...
Sugoi vibrations and baggy pants...
There that I mustwas BE...
Always Remembering...
think for yourself da da daath = 11
If someone could plz give me a address were i can send a fan letter to tool. the reason i'm asking is my brother just died being hit by a van on his motorcycle. his number 1 band was tool i would like to ask them for a signed poster or something to put in his casket. he was only 25 he had a crapy life growing up because of his brain tumor. he even had a tatoo put on his legs of tool were his wife could push a presser point on his body to help with head acks and spazums. think i spelt that worng but i don't care right now. If someone could help me out that would mean the world to me and my brother. you can e-mail me at Jkperkins22@gmail.com
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