I recently ran into this article in gamasutra : A history of gaming platforms, the Commodore 64
It reminded me of the days that my cousin had this device and the lots of fun that we have with its games, which were loaded by a tape reader and it took around 30 minutes for each tape to first load in the system. Many times the tape would just crash in the middle and you'd have to do it all over again.
However in the same time, the device that had taken my heart by far was the Japanese Famicom (Nintendo). The first game I had for it was Spartan X. I would still love to play it. And the game which was irresistible was Dragon Quest, I followed it up to the third relesase. It was probably the most precious thing to be for me for quite a while.
Around the same time again, my brother was busy with his Apple 2 e.
The first of the Ultima series was the wonderful RPG for that machine.
But these weren't the first devices for us to experience the digital gaming world with, the first was an orange box which was called a TV Game at that time, I don't really remember the brand or any more information about it now, haven't been able to find it on Wikipedia due to lack of info. The game for that device was a tennis game which consisted two sticks going up and down and a ball (square) moving between the two sticks.
Oh yes! I've played that TV game. You know I'm too young to remember that device, but I've played once. My cousin had one of them which was old enough in that time for us to go to other new devices. But I remember that tennis game and the controllers were nothing except a handle with a screw on it, right?
:).. yes exactly a screw on the handles... thanks for reminding me...and I think the base had some sticks as switches for turning it on or off...
hey man, may be it will be fun to experience playing "Assassins Creed" on Xbox360 and some day in the future you will talk about it just like this. but i DO hell of a wondering of what that day guys will play with!!!
exactly... whewww...could be fun to predict...
That game sir in U.S. is called
Pong !
See if you can find anything about it.
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